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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Integration > Integration Setup >

Interface Type "Web API" uses The Representational State Transfer (REST) API to interact with the FMIS system.

The following Web API's are available:

  1. EPICOR 10
  2. JIWA 7.2
  3. LinkSOFT API
  4. MYOB AccountRight V2
  5. NetSuite
  6. Sage 300
  7. XERO

Steps to configure the Web API integration :

  1. Configure the integration to the Web API interface. 
  2. Enable the "Integration Scheduler" in menu "Global Administration -> Process Setup "
  3. Access codes and security tokens usually expire in a short period of time. The "Integration Scheduler" frequency should be less than the "Access code" expiry when configuring authorization.
    1. E.g MYOB "access codes" expires in 2 minutes. Therefore the "Integration Scheduler" process should be configured to run in less than 2 minutes frequency.
    2. Once the authorization is complete, the frequency of the "Integration Scheduler" can be increased.